Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Radiology Learnerships in South Africa 2016-2017

All About Radiography Learnerships in South Africa

If imaging techniques, technology, anatomy, working with those who are ill and finding solutions to issues are what you enjoy, then this may be the field for you. There are companies that offer Radiotherapy learnerships and are searching for properly qualified and talented individuals to be more intently taught in this career.

radiography-learnership-in-saBy using technologically advanced machines, radiography looks for and locates internal problems a patient may have. These machines will generally deliver images of the human body which would not be able to be seen any other way. X-ray machines, ultrasound equipment as well as MRI machines are included in this category. One of the paramount fields in modern medicine is Radiography, this is because doctors are now able to have a much better view of and problems a patient is having and therefore are able to provide medical treatment that is much more efficient.

What Radiography Learnerships are There Available?

This field is all about diagnosing and then solving internal problems found in a patient. Due to advancements in technology, the fields which are currently available are much more than just a couple of years ago. Here are just a few of the field which those considering learnerships can choose from:

Career Fields in Radiography:

  • Radiologist
  • Radiographer
  • Diagnostic Radiographer
  • Therapeutic Radiographer
  • Clinical Engineer
  • X-ray Technician

What Qualifications Do Companies Who Are Offering Learnerships in the Field of Radiography Require?

The requirements for learnerships in radiography will vary depending on the company that is offering the opportunity as well as the career field being chosen. Below are a few of the requirements that will have to be met in order to be eligible to apply for a learnership. Keep in mind that these are the mere basics, every learnership will include additional requirements which will also have to be fully met.

  1. Basic Stipulations for a Learnership in Radiography:
  2. Be a South African citizen
  3. Have an official ID
  4. Have a Matric certificatesouth-africa-radiology-learnerships
  5. Where required, must have a diploma or degree in the field that is being applied for
  6. Can not be in another learnership or be employed
  7. Be independent yet able to work well with a team
  8. Know how to prioritize
  9. Speak English proficiently
  10. Know how to properly use a computer

The learnership opportunities offered by most companies in this field are for twelve or twenty four months.The compensation, duration and benefits which are provided depend entirely on the company. Being as accommodations, meals and transportation are not included in learnerships, it is recommended that you apply in the area you live. If you are able to meet all the requirements listed above, once learnerships become available make sure to apply.

The post Radiology Learnerships in South Africa 2016-2017 appeared first on South Africa Page®.